You might have seen me on Facebook/Twitter saying something along the lines of that you/we/all should stop using "Big Tech" social media services, and look at start using alternative services.
So the time has come to cut the Facebook dependency. Cutting the cord if you like. Basically I will limit my Facebook activity quite a lot more than I already have. I will not "quit" Facebook though. This is how it will work.
The latest improvement for your online privacy from Facebook is to enable you to turn off Facebooks automated facial recognition. You should. This is how you do it.
If you have wondered why you should cut down usage of the big company services such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Apple etc you should probably watch the movie The Great Hack.
After all of this, what should one do? Well, I can't answer for what you can or should do, as it all depends on what you use today and what you do within those apps/services.
I shall be starting with defining what I would need fixed, as it always is easier to measure if I am reaching my goal if I actually have a goal.
In my previous post I highlighted how Facebook eerily seems to target advertising based on what you post, comment and like (do the "thumbs up", or "heart" etc). I also described an experience that made me feel like Facebook was listening through not only mine, but also a friends iPhone.
In a previous set of articles I wrote about how you can increase the security within your most used apps such as Facebook, Google, iCloud etc, to avoid getting hacked or having your account taken over by someone who shouldn't be posting as you, or have access to your personal details.
The last couple of weeks a story about Cambridge Analytica accessing Facebook data to ensure Brexit, Trump winning etc has been making the rounds. This has in turn led to lots of people killing off their Facebook accounts, often with an accompanying note saying "Facebook is unsafe, you can find me elsewhere like Twitter, Instagram, mail etc".