The last couple of weeks a story about Cambridge Analytica accessing Facebook data to ensure Brexit, Trump winning etc has been making the rounds. This has in turn led to lots of people killing off their Facebook accounts, often with an accompanying note saying "Facebook is unsafe, you can find me elsewhere like Twitter, Instagram, mail etc".
I found this as a Facebook post under "today a previous year" or whatever it is called. As my opinion on this hasn't changed, and it still is a problem, I figured I should publish the text here instead of having it locked in on Facebook.
In my first article regarding increasing online security for normal people, I covered LastPass. Then in my second article I covered how to use a hardware dongle for Two Factor Authentication (2FA). I also use Google Authenticator for 2FA, which is an app that generates time sensitive security codes.
Following the article on LastPass password manager I mentioned I am using Two Factor Authentication in a couple of ways. One of those ways is via a physical device called Yubikey, which I have on my physical key chain at all times.
Recently a friend of mine had his iCloud account hacked. If you are unsure of what the implications of that could be I urge you to go and have a read of this article, written by Mat Honan.